पथ के साथी

Friday, March 26, 2010


By-Jyoti Vishwakarma
Teachers should make it very clear to the students as what is expected from them by explaining them what needs to be done and what is the purpose of a particular assignment or activity.
Students capable of doing the activities need some motivation or rewards as recognition helps in performing the work with extra effort and accuracy that leads to some good quality of work. Never criticize unwanted behavior or answers instead tackle them with wit and humor so that the students never feel unwanted or withdrawn instead participates actively in the future sessions. Also never let go off any indecent behavior without a warning.
Teachers should take care as proper guardian of students where in they are required to guide them in every way even by narrating the experiences sharing the benefit and drawbacks of behaving in a particular way in any of situations.
Students Participation:
Involving the entire class so they realize the importance in work that needs to be carried out. Making the individual student realize that without his/her involvement the work that is done is not going to be up to the mark as required. Also make the student realize that after his participation he is not only benefitting the group involved but also adding to his/her own personal achievements by acting as a contributor in what is going to be the best.
Teach Inductively:
Like in big organizations its success depends on the involving least important detail by making each and every individual participate in and making them a part of the work. In the same way conducting the induction in regards to any topic of discussion makes children open up their thoughts, also it lets them practice the application of their brains which is utmost important. This activity not only helps up in catching up the interest of students but also increases motivation and makes them in active components thus freeing up their brains for thought process.
Visual Order:
Non-Verbal mode of teaching by representing the topic in terms of pictures, presentations, charts etc. Also ask the students to revise the earlier teachings and put the same in some non-verbal mode of their understanding in the topic. This helps in teaching students effectively and can also bridge the gaps by getting a picture of their understanding. It helps in filling up the gaps and create clear understanding of the topics. This will also help the student to remember the same topic for a longer run and applying his thoughts interactively towards problem solving. Also co relating the topic to any of advertisement
It is a quintessential component of teaching, while being energetic one should also be enthusiastic about the day to day activities. Enthusiasm in teaching endows energy into children and makes them attached and attentive to the topic being covered. Being energetic does not only mean to convey ones thoughts and understanding instead it also should be an urge for the student to get involved and communicate his/her ideas openly and express the understanding to all others present.
The success for any teacher lies in not getting the best results out of geniuses or child prodigy but turning one. It is important that whatever the teacher communicates is clear enough and lucid for a novice so that the knowledge distribution is uniform across the class. In addition to this it becomes important for the teacher to stand as a bridge between the most understanding individuals and the normal ones. The main objective is holding up the whole class as a team. It is important that everyone realizes that he/she is equally important for the success of the entire class and it is not fair to think that any one alone can be responsible for the success of the entire class. It is always important to convey a message that all should be together and help everyone which in turn they are helping themselves so it is always going to benefit the individual.
The main part for a teacher’s job is to make the student learn while he is in a perception of enjoyment coz the best capturing in a brain is when one plays. Making learning interactive with active participation from class, with different activities across any subjects. Live demonstrations while teaching with fun learning aides makes a simpler way to understand and learn things. A message conveyed during teaching becomes simpler to understand when one actually explains the application of the same in real life scenario. Organizing one act plays and using other modes to communicate the meaning while the students are having fun.
Enjoyment of Success:
With all the hard work put in and dedication showed will always end up in fruitful and successful result. The success that is achieved is should be shared with all the students and make everyone feel that he/she is equally important in the success.
Jyoti Vishwakarma

Monday, March 1, 2010

पिचकारी की धार, रंगों की बौछार

अपनों का प्यार, यही है होली को त्यौहार

होली का पर्व आप के लिए शुभ हो !वीर- सविता मुखी

होली की शुकानाएं

रंग रंगीली आई होली,
खुशियाँ ढेरों लाई होली।
राजा रंक सभी घर होली,
पकवानों सी मीठी होली।
बैर भाव मिटाए होली,
सबको गले लगाए होली।

होली की शुभकामनाएं

मधुर, नीलम, श्रेयांशी एवं श्रेयांश

तीन वर्ष पूरे

प्रिय हिमांशु भाई,
होली की शुभकामनाओं के साथ लेखनी का होली -विशेषांक भेज रही हूँ, उम्मीद है पसंद आएगा।

यहाँ इंगलैंड में भले ही अभी पातहीन वृक्षों पर कोपलें न फूटी हों, परन्तु चिड़ियों ने घोसले बनाने शुरु कर दिए हैं। सृजन और संरक्षण की इस एक और नई नवेली ऋतु में...बाहर बर्फ़ हो या बासंती बयार, आइये लेखनी के इन पन्नों पर हम आप खेलते हैं फाग। मनाते हैं एक बार फिरसे वही रूप और रंग का महोत्सव...रंग और रूप जिसके बिना व्यंजन ही नहीं, जीवन भी स्वादहीन है...जिसके हम-आप, हमारी संस्कृति और सभ्यता, सभी चिर दीवाने-से दिखते है।

यह भी एक सुखद संयोग की ही बात है कि लेखनी का यह अंक ठीक होली के दिन ही आपतक पहुँच रहा है, होली की उल्लास भरी शुभकामनाएँ तो हैं ही, यह भी याद दिलाना चाहूँगी कि प्रयास और खोज के नए-नए पड़ाव पार करती आपकी लेखनी इस अंक के साथ अपनी सृजन-यात्रा के तीन वर्ष पूरे कर, चौथे वर्ष में प्रवेश कर रही है। आइये इसकी खुशियों में शामिल होते हैं। यह पर्व भी तो किसी उल्लास, किसी महोत्सव से कम नहीं..इसे अपना प्यार, अपनी शुभकामनाएं नहीं देंगे क्या …!
pls, visit www.lekhni.net
पुनः रंगपर्व होली की इन्द्रधनुषी शुभकामनाएँ!!